Welcome to Year 6 (Kites and Kestrels)
In Year 6 we have two classes: Kestrels (20 pupils) and Kites (22). Mrs Middleton teaches Kestrels and Mr Wilby teaches Kites. Mrs Gowran, Mrs Snowball and Mrs Tuburu provide excellent support for all children through in-class, small group and one-to-one interventions.
Our Curriculum
In Year 6 we study a range of subjects: we learn the skills needed to become great historians, scientists, geographers, artists and designers in preparation for the next stage of our education. Our topics change termly to ensure a varied and balanced coverage across the year.
Our English lessons are taught around our class novel, which is read daily. Each half term we share a different text which we use to inspire our writing. We use a variety of carefully selected books that reflecting the interests and needs of our children. In our daily whole-class reading, we aim to create readers by sharing extracts – pupils and teachers reading aloud. We then discuss and justify our thoughts using paired talk as well as individual thinking.
We allow time to read for pleasure where children can choose from our high quality ‘Starbook’ selection that forms our class library. Reading Plus is used to help our children become proficient readers. Through regular Reading Plus practice, our children become more fluent and comprehension skills improve. This can be accessed at home as well as school.
Autumn Term Novels
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Fuzzy Mud by Louis Sachar
Titanic by DK publishing
Spring Term Novels
High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson
Holes by Louis Sachar
Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill
Funky Chickens by Benjamin Zephaniah
Summer Term Novels
Crater Lake by Jennifer Killick
Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo
We follow White Rose Maths planning and use a mastery approach for all children. Each lesson begins with an arithmetic challenge followed by a fluency and problem-solving approach. We use a variety of resources to support learning, enthuse our mathematicians and to stretch and challenge all pupils. Our learning focuses on vocabulary as well as concrete, pictorial and abstract skills to develop the understanding required for each block of work.
Homework is given out every Friday and is completed and returned to school by the following Thursday. Maths homework is linked to developing the arithmetic skills which are taught throughout Y6. English homework consists of a short reading comprehension covering VIPERS questions (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Summary), as well as a grammar and punctuation quiz. If the children need internet access for their homework, and this is not available at home, arrangements are made for them to complete their work in school.
Each week we revise or learn a new spelling rule, this is then tested on a Friday. In addition to this, there is a list of words that the pupils learn throughout the year. Children are encouraged to take home their reading books every night so that they can practise and improve.
Other Curriculum Areas
Autumn 1
Science: Electricity
Computing: Bletchley Park
History: World War 2 and its local impact
Art: Make my voice heard
Music: WW2
PSHE: Physical and emotional health
MFL: Phonics and pronunciation (French)
RE: Finding out about the local Muslim community
PE: Hockey and swimming
Autumn 2
Science: Evolution, Adaptation and Inheritance
Computing: History of computers
Geography: Fantastic Forests
D&T: Waistcoats
Music: Electricity
PSHE: Emotions and puberty, peer pressure and online safety
MFL: The Weekend (French)
RE: The Gospels
PE: Gymnastics and basketball
Spring 1
Science: Living things and their habitats
Computing: Big Data 1
History: Ancient Sumer (the achievements of the earliest civilizations)
Art: Sculpture and 3D
Music: Arctic
PSHE: Positive relationships
MFL: Healthy Lifestyles
RE: Easter story
PE: Dodgeball
Spring 2
Science: Light
Computing: Big Data 2
Geography: Fieldwork
D&T: Steady Hand Game
Music: Garageband
PSHE: Puberty, social media safety
MFL: Habitats
RE: The importance of Good Friday and Easter Day
PE: Tennis
Summer 1
Science: Human body
Computing: Intro to Python
History: Ancient Maya
Art: Artist Study
Music: Reggae
PSHE: Changes and growing up
MFL: At School
RE: How and why do people care about the environment
PE: Athletics and football
Summer 2
Science: Y6 – Y7 transition
Computing: Inventing a product
Geography: Sao Paulo
D&T: Playground
Music: Celebrations
PSHE: Becoming independent
MFL: Me in the world
RE: Belief
PE: Rounders and Tag rugby
Class Newsletters
(Autumn 1)
(Autumn 2)
2023 Class Newsletter Autumn 2 2nd half term
(Spring 1)