Welcome to Year 2 ( Sharks & Dolphins)
In Dolphins, we have 27 children, our class teacher is Miss Brownless. In Sharks, we have 24 children and our class teacher is Ms Rosie. Mrs Lane is our classroom assistant who works between both classes.
Our Curriculum
Throughout the curriculum, we give our children a broad range of experiences to strengthen their understanding of themselves, their community and the wider world. We will begin each topic with a ‘hook’ lesson to trigger our imaginations and leave us ready to learn more! We aim to enrich the children’s experiences through organising trips and visitors to come into school and inspire young minds.
Our English lessons are taught through a selection of class books. Our books are often inspired by our topic work to allow links to be made during lessons to the different subject areas.
We read both a fiction and non-fiction book each half term to develop our understanding of our key topic and English skills. We also supplement our key texts with additional poetry and text extracts during our lessons.
Every day we share a class story during story time which gives us the opportunity to simply enjoy listening to a story for enjoyment which we then discuss.
Our reading lessons for on developing of skills linked to film clips, novel extracts, images and we use Reading VIPERS to help us with this. Our writing lessons allow the children to learn about a range of genre and write in the styles of these genre. In year 2, children still have access to the Little Wandle phonics were appropriate.
Autumn Term Novels
Traction Man by Mini Grey
Key themes: Adventure, Kindness & Bravery
How to Help a Hedgehog and a Polar Bear by The National Trust
Key themes: Non-fiction, Environment & Habitats
Not Now Bernard by David McKee
Key themes: Inclusion & Parent/Child relationships
How to Catch Santa by Jean Reagan
Key themes: Christmas & Magic
Spring Term Novels
The Tear Thief by Carol Ann Duffy
Key themes: Emotions
Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
Key themes: Animals and Habitats, Around the world, Transport & Journeys
The Dark by Lemony Snicket
Key themes: Overcoming fears, Light and dark & Feelings
The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams and James Weston Lewis
Key themes: Historical & Fire safety
Summer Term Novels
Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown
Key themes: Comedy, Adapting to change & Adventure
The Twits by Roald Dahl
Key themes: Comedy, Diversity & Importance of being kind
Our Maths lessons focus the skills developed through White Rose Maths. We follow the block planning schedule and differentiate the lessons to meet the needs of the children. We use a variety of White Rose teaching methods throughout our lessons as well as a variety of resources and activities to support learning and provide stretch and challenge opportunities to all our learners within each topic.
Over the course of the year, we will be developing our knowledge and understanding of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Our learning focuses on vocabulary as well as concrete, pictorial and abstract skills to develop the understanding required for each block of work.
Click below to see our Medium-Term Planning for Maths:
Other Curriculum Areas
Autumn 1
Science: Year 1 recap
Computing: Online Safety
Geography: Why is my world wonderful?
Art: Craft and Design – Map it out.
Music: Folksongs
PSHE: Healthy Lifestyles
RE: Why is the Bible special to Christians?
PE: Fundamental Movement and Fitness
Autumn 2
Science: Materials
Computing: What is a computer?
History: Which place are significant to me and why?
D&T: Cooking and Nutrition – Balanced Diets
Music: Jupiter
PSHE: Keeping Safe
RE: How and why is light important at Christmas?
PE: Gymnastics and Ball skills
Spring 1
Science: Living things and their habitats
Computing: Algorithms and de-bugging
Geography: Wherever next?
Art: Painting and Mixed Media – Life in colour
Music: Toys
PSHE: Feelings and Emotions
RE: What does it mean to belong to Christianity?
PE: Dance and Target games
Spring 2
Science: Animals including humans
Computing: Word processing
History: Fantastic Firsts – Who helped shape my world?
D&T: Textiles – Pouches
Music: 4 Seasons
PSHE: Healthy Relationships
RE: How do Christians celebrate Easter?
PE: Invasion games and Yoga
Summer 1
Science: Plants
Computing: Scratch Junior
Geography: Which place are significant to me and why?
Art: Sculpture and 3D – Clay house
Music: Great Fire of London
PSHE: Belonging
RE: How do Buddhists show their beliefs?
PE: Athletic skills and Net and wall
Summer 2
Science: Significant people in Science
Computing: Stop motion
History: Have seaside holidays changed all that much and how has that affected us?
D&T: Mechanisms – Making a moving monster.
Music: Oceans
PSHE: Growing and Changing, Money and Work.
RE: What can we learn about our local faith communities?
PE: Games – Striking and Fielding and Team building
Class Newsletters
In Year 2, homework is given out each Thursday and is due back the following Wednesday. Spellings are also sent home every Thursday to be practised and are tested the following Thursday. Each day, children should bring their level-appropriate reading books to and from school.