Welcome to our Design & Technology page. Here you can find lots of information about science across our school.
Statement of Intent
In Design Technology, children are encouraged to explore and experiment with a wide range of design tasks. Through an exciting and engaging curriculum, we teach children to become proficient in the four strands of the design process – design, make, evaluate, technical knowledge, and cooking and nutrition. We aim to inspire all of our children to be innovative, creative thinkers and problem solvers, as well as build confidence and resilience to take risks. We want children to gain an awareness of the bigger picture about the role Design Technology plays in the wider world, and in our lives. By delivering a very thorough and current Design Technology curriculum, we encourage pupils to become resourceful, enterprising individuals, who have interest and ambition to be future designers.
Our Design and Technology Lead is Mrs Hoyle.
Useful Documents
D&T Skills and Knowledge Progression
Design and Technology at Bowburn
- Learning about why we have day and night.
- Testing the force of gravity.
- fkhdnkh
Year 1
- The children began to make a windmill by looking at the structure.
- The children began to make a windmill by looking at the structure.
- This is the finished product.
- This is the finished product.
Year 2
- They even evaluated it.
- First we assessed what would be a good structure for a chair.
- First we assessed what would be a good structure for a chair.
- We then explored making the structure and evaluated our methods.
Year 3
- Inside the Cathedral
Year 4
- We made a pavilion
- We experimented with different structures to see which was the strongest.
- Year 3 – developing understanding of 3-digit numbers.
Year 5
- Year 4 – learning about 4-digit numbers.
- Year 1 – first, then, now stories to develop understanding of addition and subtraction
- Our journey to making a steady hand game began with understanding a circuit.
Year 6
- We had great fun designing a waistcoat for our school attendance bears!
- We evaluated it.