At Bowburn Primary School, we take a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Our intent is to ensure that all children:
- become fluent in the fundamental concepts of Mathematics.
- develop quick recall of essential number facts covering the four operations
- are able to reason mathematically, using mathematical language when providing explanations.
- can solve real-life problems by applying their mathematical skills.
- develop a resilient ‘can do’ attitude as part of a challenging and enjoyable Mathematics curriculum.
We implement a high-quality mathematics curriculum through:
Planning: Planning is supported by the use of the White Rose Hub materials as well as other resources. Sequences of learning are planned using a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach.
Daily lessons: All children in Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are taught in mixed ability classes for their daily Maths lesson. Lessons are structured in a way that allows for: revisiting previously taught concepts; learning new concepts and procedures through teacher modelling, paired practise and independent application; and linking new knowledge to their existing knowledge and to real-life contexts.
Arithmetic practise: All children in Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 regularly access Winning with Numbers in school as a way of developing key arithmetic skills. Pupils will soon have logins to access Winning with Numbers at home too!
Early Years: children in Nursery and Reception are given regular access to child-led Maths activities through their continuous provision environments as well as small group work to develop key concepts.
Home-school links: Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 have access to the Numbots app to support their learning at home. Children in Key Stage 2 have access to the Times Tables Rock Stars app to support their learning at home.
Staff development: learning isn’t just for the children. Our staff are committed to continuously developing their knowledge and understanding of teaching Maths. We are proud to work with the Maths Hub to ensure we are the best teachers of Maths we can be.
Celebrating Success in Maths!
Every half term each teacher will choose a Marvellous Mathematician – this could be a child who has made good progress or someone who has shown resilience while learning a new concept. It could even be a child who has been a fantastic mini-teacher and supported their peers with their learning. Watch this space for updates!
Key Documents
Maths Skills and Knowledge Progression
Mathematics Policy 2023 – 2024
The subject lead for Maths is Miss Overton.
Progression of concepts
Number and Place Value
- Reception – matching numerals to amounts using Numicon
- Year 1 – representing numbers
- We then explored making the structure and evaluated our methods.
- Year 2 – using a place value chart to represent 2-digit numbers.
- Year 5- representing numbers to 10,000 using concrete resources or images.
Addition and Subtraction
- Reception – beginning to understand counting on by rolling the dice and moving counters on the number track.
- Our seasonal cooking
- We made it and it was fabulous!
- Year 2 – developing understanding of addition and subtraction using bar models and part-whole models.
- Year 3 – beginning to develop formal written methods of recording for addition and subtraction.
- Year 5 – applying secure understanding of formal written methods to solve more complex problems.
Multiplication and Division
- Year 2 – beginning to use the skill of counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. Introduction to counting in 3s.
- Year 3 – developing understanding of multiplying and dividing 2-digit numbers using models and images to support understanding.
- Year 5 – proficient and accurate written methods are well-established.
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
- Year 2 – fractions of shapes to prepare for fractions of amounts
- Reception – exploring capacity in our outdoor area.
- Year 5 – measuring and converting.
- Reception – exploring patterns and images with shapes.
Position and Direction