Welcome to our science page. Here you can find lots of information about science across our school.
Statement of Intent
At Bowburn Primary School we promote an inclusive science curriculum that supports and challenges all children, providing lessons that are rich in new scientific experiences and investigative discussions, as well as physical experiments, demonstrations and observations. Our approach to science encourages discovery and enables children to be enthused and excited about the world around them. We want our children to obtain a solid knowledge about health and safety, growth and how their own bodies work, whilst using accurate vocabulary to explain their findings and conclusions about how and why things happen.
In EYFS, Science is included within the Understanding the World area of learning. As with other learning in Reception and Nursery, children will mainly learn about science through games and play – which objects float and sink during water play, for example. Activities such as these will help children to develop important skills such as observation, prediction and critical thinking. In this phase, children are often introduced to individuals, concepts and ideas, building firm foundations for progressive learning in Key Stage 1.
In Key Stage 1, children will look closely at the natural and humanly-constructed world around them; they will be encouraged to be curious and ask questions about their observations. They will develop their understanding of science through enquiry to answer their own questions, including carrying out investigations, comparative tests, grouping and classifying, noticing patterns and observing change. This will broaden their range of scientific language and help children to communicate their findings. Most of the pupils’ learning will come from working scientifically through practical experiences, venturing through units such as animal and plant identification, the body and seasons in Year 1, then moving through units such as living things and their habitats, human life cycle and materials in Year 2.
In Key Stage 2, children will broaden their view of the world and deepen their understanding of a range of scientific ideas. They will explore, discuss, test and analyse in order to develop their knowledge whilst also making cross-curricular links in lessons. If not before, in Key Stage 2, it is important that we encourage the understanding of science in wider life and potential job prospects that are underpinned by a scientific background. In lower Key Stage 2, children will work through units such as plants, rocks and fossils, forces, digestion, sound and circuits. In upper Key Stage 2, children will work through units such as life cycles, reproduction, earth and space, evolution, healthy bodies and light.
Throughout their science education, children will be exposed to stimulating experiences including trips to such places as Butterfly World, Hamsterley Forest and various museums, using equipment and visitors from a scientific background or workplace such as Captain Chemistry. This will provide them with opportunities to ask inquisitive questions and lead their own learning to find answers or explanations.
Our subject lead for Science is Mr Wilby.
Useful Documents
Science Skills and Knowledge Progression
Science Whole School Long Term Plan
Science at Bowburn
- We identified different parts of our bodies.
- We found out about different animals and their habitats.
- We found out about materials that are magnetic in Nursery.
- We found out about different animals and their habitats.
- We looked at different animals and could identify the different parts of a robin.
- What material is each item made out of?
- Finding seasonal changes all around us.
- We carried out an ice experiment and looked at how fast it melted.
- Investigating length of shadows.
- Investigating shadows made by hand puppets.
Year 1
- We investigated different animals. These pupils studied how a fish can swim fast because of its shape. We found out it had scales.
- What can magnets do in Nursery?
- What can magnets do in Nursery?
Year 2
Year 3
- Finding out what dinosaurs looked like by looking at their skeletons.
- Assembling a human skeleton to understand how the body is made up.
- Studying and identifying fossils using a magnifying glass.
Year 4
- Identifying solids, liquids and gases.
- Investigating how sound travels through different materials
Year 5
- Controlling robots and learning about robotics.
- Learning about Space and the Lunar Module
- Looking at a model of Earth to understand day and night.
- We investigated gravity.
- We made our own snow and compared it with real snow.
Year 6
- Testing voltage and lamps.
- Extracting DNA from strawberries.
- Fossil identifying and recording features.