Welcome to Year 3 ( Robins & Wrens )
Teachers: Mrs Overton (Robins) and Miss Bibi (Wrens)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brandon, Mr Jackson, Mrs Terry and Mrs Bradley
Number of pupils: 26 Robins and 28 Wrens
Class Newsletters
Year 3 Autumn 1 Newsletter
Our Curriculum
In year 3 we deliver an exciting curriculum to support transition to the juniors. We help our children be happy, confident, healthy and independent youngsters who enjoy coming to school! Year 3 is welcoming, creative, and an exciting place to learn and spend time with friends. Robins and Wrens are encouraged to always be their best self, work hard and support and encourage one another. We cover all areas of the National Curriculum to allow every child the opportunity to flourish. We are writers, mathematicians, scientists, artists, musicians, historians, geographers, sports stars, coders, designers and respectful citizens but most of all, we love learning!
Our English lessons are taught through a whole class novel. Every half term we focus on a different novel which we plan our writing and some of our reading activities around. Our novels are chosen with the children in mind, and explore a wide variety of genres and themes, fiction and non-fiction, and a range of lead characters. Our classes also have the opportunity to read and write poetry every term. Our writing lessons allow the children to learn about a range of genres and write in lots of different styles. They also have lots of opportunities to be creative!
In year 3, we do whole class reading every day which develops our pupils’ skills and comprehension. Questions are VIPERS questions which are based on a variety of novel extracts, non-fiction texts, film clips, song lyrics and images
At the end of every day, we share a novel during story time which gives us the opportunity to simply enjoy listening to a story and talk about what we are reading. Year 3 also love going to the library where they can choose their own book to independently read for pleasure, or share with an adult at home.
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
This year, we are following the NCTEM Prioritisation for teaching Maths in Year 3.
More information can be found here: https://www.ncetm.org.uk/classroom-resources/cp-year-3-curriculum-map/
Other Curriculum Areas
Autumn 1
PE: Fundamental Movements and Boxercise
Science: Rocks and fossils
History: Changes in Britain from The Stone Age to the Iron Age
PSHE/RSE: Healthy Lifestyles
RE: How do Hindus worship?
Computing: Digital devices
French: Phonics and Pronunciation, I am learning French
Art: Sketching – inspired by Georgia O’Keefe
Music: Stone Age
Autumn 2
PE: Gymnastics and Ball Skills
Science: Animals including humans
Geography: Is the UK the same everywhere?
PSHE/RSE: Keeping Safe
RE: How and why is Advent important to Christians?
Computing: Digital Photography
French: Instruments
Design Technology: seasonal eating
Music: Greek Myths
Spring 1
PE: Dance and Netball
Science: Forces and Magnets
History: Roman Britain
PSHE/RSE: Our feelings and emotions
RE: What can we learn about Christian symbols and beliefs by visiting churches?
Computing: Programming – Scratch
French: Animals
Design Technology: Wearable Technology
Music: Castles
Spring 2
PE: Tennis and Tag Rugby
Science: Plants
Geography: Why do we have cities?
PSHE/RSE: Healthy Relationships
RE: What do Christians remember on Palm Sunday?
Computing: Computing Systems and Networks 2 – Emailing
French: Fruits/Vegetables/Ice-Creams
Art & Design: Craft and Design – Ancient Egyptian Scrolls
Music: In the Garden
Summer 1
PE: Athletics and Cricket
Science: Our Changing World
History: How did The Stone Age and Romans impact the North East of England?
PSHE/RSE: Rights and Responsibilities
RE: What do Hindus believe?
Computing: Computing Systems and Networks 3 – Journey inside a computer
French: I am able…
Design Technology: Constructing a castle
Music: Volcanoes
Summer 2
PE: Rounders and Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Science: Light
Geography: Why is the North East special?
PSHE/RSE: Money and Work
RE: What do Hindus believe?
Computing: Creating Media – Video Trailers
French: I know how…
Art & Design: Sculpture and 3D – Abstract Shape and Space
Music: Mayans
All children in Year 3 have logins for Winning with Numbers https://app.wwnumbers.com/
Children should aim to complete 1 ‘win’ per week as their Maths homework.
We encourage children to access Times Tables Rock Stars and Reading Plus on a regular basis at home.
All children take a levelled reading book home every week, and those who are free-readers choose an age, and level, appropriate library book to read to an adult.
Children will also have spellings to practise at home.
Homework grids will be sent home once a half-term. Children should return homework books every Friday to share their homework with the class.