Welcome to Nursery
The Nursery team. Nursery is split into Puffins and Penguins. Mrs O’Connor is the teacher for all of Nursery. Puffins are our two year olds, their teaching assistants are Mrs Gillham, Miss Phillips, Miss Glover and Miss Storr. Mrs O’Connor is usually based in Penguins with Ms Featherstone, Mrs Wilkinson and Miss Ambler who are teaching assistants. Miss Wright will move between Penguins and Puffins.
Class Newsletters
Autumn 1 Penguins
Autumn 1 Puffins
Our Curriculum
In Nursery, we focus on a different topic each half term. This topic will create an overarching theme to our learning in all areas. Topic work allows the children to make links between subjects and gain a deeper understanding.
We also have a book each week (often linked to our topic) which we based lots of our learning and vocabulary around. The curriculum is split into the prime areas Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. The other areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We learn through exploring and playing and we spend a lot of time learning outside too.
We have daily phonics and Mathematics sessions.
All About Me and Where I Live, Space, Dinosaurs, Plants and Growing, Our Planet and Pirates.
We will support these topics with learning experiences and visitors into Nursery.
Autumn 1 All About Me and Where I Live
We will think about ourselves, our families and our pets. We will explore similarities and differences between us. We will think about our bodies and how they work.
In PE and outside we will develop our running, jumping and climbing.
We will look at the work of the artist Kandinsky and use his art to inspire some of our own.
In music we will think how the music makes us feel and how different types of music can make us feel.
We will invite our parents and carers into Nursery to listen to some Harvest songs and stay and play with us in Nursery.
We will have a visit from Jet and Ben the police dogs and also the mayor of Durham.
Autumn 2 Space
We will find out about space and the planets. We will have a visit from an author and illustrator. There will be lots of celebrating, Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and of course Christmas. We will invite parents and carers to see us perform our nativity.
In PE we will challenge ourselves with obstacle courses and we will try hard to be resilient and not give up.
We will look at the artist Van Gogh and in particular his Starry Night painting. We will begin to look at our names and try to recognise them. We will clap syllables in words in our group times.
Spring 1 Dinosaurs
We will find out about different dinosaurs and how they looked. We will enjoy lots of craft opportunities around dinosaurs. We will improve our fine motor skills and think about holding pencils, scissors and other tools correctly. We will practise opening and closing buttons and using tweezers. We will celebrate Pancake Day, Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day.
We will listen to words which rhyme and explore stories with words which rhyme.
We will explore the art of Picasso and we will listen to music from around the world.
Spring 2 Plants and Growing
We will plant and grow a variety of seeds. We will think about healthy foods and make some fruit kebabs. We will spend some time in Forest School, exploring the natural environment. We will practise riding bikes (trikes and balance bikes) and scooters.
We will think about lifecycles and we will watch our very own caterpillars change into butterflies.
We will explore mark making for a purpose and begin to write our names and about other things which interest us.
We will look at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and we will use in to inspire our own art work.
In Music we will listen to a variety of Nursery Rhymes.
Summer 1 Our Planet
This half term we will be thinking about animals and the environment.
We will think about the oceans and how to keep them clean.
We will think about our aspirations and what we want to be when we grow up.
We will think about what to do if a conflict occurs and how to solve problems.
In PE we will explore different types of dancing.
We will continue extending our writing, to include all of our name.
We will look at the work of the artist Andy Warhol. Our music will be based around the jungle.
Summer 2 Pirates
For those of us starting school we will begin transition visits. We will share stories and have discussions about starting school.
We will role play pirates and enjoy dressing up. We will make maps and treasure. We will have a fun day/sports day this half term.
We will explore dental hygiene and its importance.
We will look at the Scream by Edvard Munch.
We will think about the different jobs that people have, particularly in our families and our community.