Welcome to Year 5 (Owls & Ospreys)
We have two Year 5 classes: Ospreys (22 pupils) and Owls (25 pupils). Mrs Welch teaches Ospreys and Mrs Vincent teaches Owls. Mrs Tuburu support children across both classes, through in-class, small group and 1 to 1 interventions.
Class Newsletters
Our Curriculum
In Year 5, we study a range of subjects across the curriculum which are often linked together through various topics. These change each half term and are planned to inspire us to become scientists, geographers, historians, artists and musicians.
Our English lessons are taught through a whole-class novel which we read every day. Every half term we focus on a new novel which we link many of our reading and writing tasks to. These are a mixture of fiction, non-fiction, picture books and poetry. In our daily whole-class reading lessons, we focus on reading with fluency and expression and applying different ‘VIPERS’ skills to a variety of text types.
Autumn Term Novels
Spring Term Novels
Summer Term Novels
We use White Rose Maths to inform our Maths planning. We take a mastery approach for all children, following a fluency, reasoning and problem-solving structure within each lesson. We use concrete resources and pictorial representations for teaching new concepts before challenging children to think more abstractly. We begin each lesson with ‘Number Sense’ fluency and we adapt each lesson to suit the children’s needs and provide intervention groups for those needing help to grasp specific concepts.
Click below to see our Medium-Term Planning for Maths:
Other Curriculum Areas
Autumn 1
Science: Space
Computing: Flat-file databases
History: Local History – What did the Vikings have to do with the North East?
D&T: Electrical systems – fairground rides
Music: The Planets
PSHE: Health and wellbeing (healthy lifestyles; ourselves, growing and changing; keeping safe)
MFL: Phonics in French 3.
RE: Why is Moses important to Jewish people and why do Jewish people go to the synagogue?
PE: Hockey and fitness
Autumn 2
Science: Forces
Computing: Systems and searching
Geography: What Shapes my world?
Art: Sculpture and 3D installation art
Music: Christmas
PSHE: Health and wellbeing (healthy lifestyles; ourselves, growing and changing; keeping safe) – continued
MFL: Do You Have a Pet?
RE: What are the themes of Christmas?
PE: Swimming and basketball
Spring 1
Science: Properties and changes of materials
Computing: Video production
History: The Victorians
D&T: Mechanical systems – pop-up books
Music: Africa
PSHE: Relationships (respecting ourselves and others; families and friendships; safe relationships)
MFL: What is the Date?
RE: What do Christians believe about Jesus and God?
PE: Badminton and netball
Spring 2
Science: Properties and changes of materials – continued
Computing: Selection in physical computing – quizzes
Geography: Fantastic Journeys – Where Could We Go?
Art: Drawing – I need space
Music: Rock n Roll
PSHE: Health and wellbeing (healthy lifestyles; ourselves, growing and changing; keeping safe) – continued
MFL: Clothes
RE: Why are Lent and the Last Supper important to Christians?
PE: Gymnastics and swimming
Summer 1
Science: Living things and their habitats
Computing: Introduction to vector graphics
History: Monarchs – Queen Elizabeth II
D&T: Food – What could be healthier?
Music: Melodies of divinity
PSHE: Living in the wider world (belonging to a community; media literacy and digital resilience; money and work)
MFL: The Olympics
RE: How are Jewish beliefs expressed at home?
PE: Athletics and cricket
Summer 2
Science: Animals including humans
Computing: Selection in physical computing – Crumbles
Geography: Farm to Fork – Where does my food come from?
Art: Painting and mixed media – portraits
Music: Animal kingdom
PSHE: Living in the wider world (belonging to a community; media literacy and digital resilience; money and work) – continued
MFL: The Weather
RE: Why do people use rituals today?
PE: Swimming and rounders
In Year 5, homework is given out each Friday (orange books) and is due back the following Wednesday. Spellings are also sent home every Friday (red books) to be practised and are tested the following Friday. Each day, children should bring their level-appropriate reading books to and from school.