The provision for our children with SEND is closely monitored and evaluated. Termly meetings between teaching staff, parents/carers and the SENCo ensure SEN Support plans are reviewed and the progress made by children is evaluated. Where interventions have not been successful, further support or alternative approaches are put in place. This may also include seeking further advice and recommendations from professionals for staff to build into future support plans.
Teaching and Learning is monitored through lesson observations, learning walks and book scrutinies. In addition to this, our SENCo monitors the effectiveness of interventions through collecting evaluations and assessments completed by staff working directly with the child. The deployment of staff is monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure skills and areas of expertise are matched to areas of need.
Ongoing assessment of pupils with SEND is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team at termly Pupil Progress Review Meetings. The progress of children with SEN is considered in the context of the whole school, and assessed against national averages. Where necessary, further interventions will be put into place for children who are not deemed to be making adequate progress.
Our SEND Governor, Stewart Davidson, meets regularly with the SENCo and monitor the effectiveness of SEND provision in school. They report to the full Governing Body.