At Bowburn Primary School we want all pupils to feel welcome and part of the school, so we place a high value on well-being. The class teacher and teaching assistants use PSHE lessons, register time, circle time, rewards and other opportunities to support the well-being of the pupils with whom they work.
We want all pupils to feel valued for who they are and know that we will help them achieve their potential.
There are also many opportunities throughout the school day for pupils to talk and share with one another and staff, which enables them all to learn to care for one another by developing deeper relationships based on trust and respect.
Our school has a Nurture Unit led by Mrs Draper and Miss Wilson. The Nurture provision is a space in our school grounds which is used to host a wide range of nurturing programmes. This area is a safe, calming and quiet space where children have access to national curriculum subjects and academic work as well as emotional and social support programmes.
The school employs a parent support advisor (PSA) who is available to support families and children during the school day. Miss Gates is available to talk to parents at any time, please contact the school office if you would like to speak to her. Our parent support advisor can liaise with many outside agencies on parents behalf, e.g. school nurse, One Point etc. They can provide parents with advice and guidance or signpost them to agencies who can help.
IMPACT North East are our School Counsellor service provider. IMPACT NE provide counselling but also many other therapies/social skills groups to support pupils in school. Teachers can refer pupils to work with the counsellors, who will contact parents directly to discuss the service they can provide , and to get to know the parents. Services can also be provided for parents should they request them.
Click here to find out more about IMPACT North East and the services they provide, or get in touch with IMPACT via the school office.
All teachers are available to discuss any concerns you may have. Please contact the school to arrange an appointment or ask to speak to your child’s teacher at the end of the school day.